Ideas & Interested Articles

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Acne and Chocolate

Millions of people enjoy chocolate everyday. It is a tasty delight that billions of people cannot live without. There are special clubs that are dedicated especially to chocolate, there are chocolate cook off contests. For some, just a bite of chocolate cake can satisfy a chocolate craving.

The scientific community has conducted research, studies, and tests, and it has been determined that the myth that chocolate causes acne is false. In fact, scientific studies have shown that there is no one particular food that causes acne. The key word is moderation. When food is consumed in moderation, and includes healthy foods, it cannot induce acne. It is when food is consumed in abundance, that a problem is created.

There are millions of chocolate lovers who consume chocolate on a daily basis, and have perfectly clear skin. Experts believe it is because these people do not over indulge themselves and they also have otherwise healthy diets.

Your body will crave what it needs, and it is necessary to keep it healthy or you can have adverse affects such as acne. Acne is considered a teenage skin disorder because of their dietary habits. In reality, just as many adults are afflicted with acne as teenagers.

Recently, studies performed by scientists have determined that it is possible to control acne in teenagers by controlling the amount of hormones that are released into the body. These studies also indicated that teenage boys are more susceptible to acne because their hormones are stronger than girls.

These studies have also indicated that chocolate has an affect on the seratonin level, which is what calms people. They have theorized that if chocolate can raise the seratonin level in the brain, it can also be a preventive treatment for acne. There are a lot of causes for acne. Heredity, poor hygiene habits, unhealthy dietary choices and environmental hazards are just a few. In order to control acne, you have to know what the facts are and what the causes may be.

There are many ways to get information regarding acne. Other ways to research acne is to go to your local library and research past editions of medical journals.

Consulting a dermatologist is by far the best way to get information regarding acne. They know what the different types of acne are, skin type, and updated information regarding treatments and procedures.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Acne Scarring Treatments

There are numerous proposals on how to remove the scars caused by acne. Unfortunately, not all of them actually work. And the best way to lose money is to invest it in something that does not do the job it was intended for. Sometimes, instead of removing the scars, it even makes it worse. And the most vulnerable person to this kind of scam is the one suffering from those scars caused by acne.

Luckily, most skin disfigurations usually fade during a certain period of time. Surgery is not an option for these types of scars. For faster effects, hydroquinone or other topical formulation used to whiten skin with licorice can be used. Retin A or Renova, a topical derivative of vitamin A, can be used for light scarring. Its generic name is Retinol. Unfortunately, there are also scars that are resistant to any medication and cannot be removed. Consult a dermatologist or any skin care expert as to what can be done to remove or minimize those scars.

When there is an increase in tissue formulation, a keloid is formed. Formation of keloids may be inherited. When a wound or a pimple does not heal well, excess collagen forms fibrous lumps, red brown in color over the healing lesion. People with increased melanin in their skin are the ones usually affected by keloids, although it can occur on everybody. Treatment of keloids can be a challenge since cutting them creates other keloids to form. Cortisone is the drug of choice since it flattens them and reduces its inflammation. This type of scar due to acne is caused by the loss of tissue.

Some scars look like shallow indentations with even edges, which may make the skin appear rippled or wavy. These are called dell scars. There are also dell scars that have rough or ragged edges. Initial treatment for these kinds of scars is to soften it by microdermabrasion. Thermage and laser resurfacing may also assist in clearing these kinds of scar. An injection with restylane, a skin filler, can treat the depression in the skin by filling it out and smoothing it, although it is a just a temporary solution which may last from six months to one year. Allergic reactions should also be avoided since this will just add to the scar formation.

There are also scars that resemble the injury made by an ice pick: small but deep depressions with jagged edges. If left untreated, it will form a bigger depression due to the formation of fibrotic scars. To remove them is to undergo surgery to cover the scar with skin tissue, usually from behind the ears.

There are scars that arise from the sinus tracts under the skin. Since they are interconnected to sebaceous glands, when surgery is used as treatment, these scars lead to more scars and acne formation.

Macular atrophy of the follicles looks like whiteheads and are usually seen on the chest and back. Scars on the body due to acne are harder to treat as compared to those on the face. Treatment includes pulse dye laser to relieve the inflammation, hydroquinone to lighten the area, and restylane for filling the depressions.

Always consult your dermatologist or a skin care expert on what is best to use on your facial scars. It may sometimes be a tedious and long process owing to the fact that there are different types of acne scars that might have surfaced on the skin. You have to accept that there will still be scars that will remain resistant to any form of treatment, even surgery. Some scars will be harder to remove as compared to others. It is vital that you speak to your dermatologist on what options will be available for you and if she is qualified to do such procedure.

Knowing that there might be a treatment out there that can rid you of all your scars can boost one's hope and self confidence. But beware of fast talking scammers. Most products that boast of medications that will just take several days to see an effect is probably not real. Frequently, these products contain bogus materials, packaged in such a way that naive people will be tempted to buy them, even at a very high price. When doubts creep in when you are purchasing something, the best way to go is not to buy it. Some sales personnel try to hard sell their product in order for them to receive commission. If there is too much pressure on you to get the item, then don't because you may already be scammed.

Before you have any scar removal work done, make sure that you are taking good daily care of your skin, that you are exfoliating regularly. Give your skin time to normalize to see how much healing it can do on its own.

Before undertaking any removal of scars, your skin should first be healthy since it might aggravate the problem instead of solving it. Usually, the skin just takes time before it heals completely. The body has the most complex system of healing scars. Rely on it first before undergoing dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing. If it does not work, then there are still options available like medical make up which may have the better formulation in covering up your scars.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Acne and the Immune System

Our bodies are very complex. Everything works together to keep us healthy. The immune system is the body's army, if fights what attack it on the inside. When our bodies become sick, and the immune system is compromised because of the illness or infection, it often it triggers other occurrences such as acne.

This occurs because the bodies immune system is fighting the illness or infection and it are overwhelmed and cannot fight the infection and maintain the body properly.

There are several products on the market today that can assist the body's immune system when it is overwhelmed. Vitamin and mineral supplements are available in pharmacies and health and nutrition stores across the country. One such product is zinc. This is a mineral that is critical to the immune system. When you take a zinc supplement when you are ill, the immune system get an incredible boost giving it the power that it needs to fight infection and prevent acne from forming.

Zinc also increases the white blood cell count that usually decreases in levels when the body is ill. White blood cells what controls the bacteria in the skin, and are fight the infections. When white blood cell levels are too low, then it is likely that acne will appear.

Other vitamins that are beneficial in assisting the immune system in fight acne are vitamins A, B complex, C, and D. Studies conducted on vitamins B1, and B3 have concluded that these vitamins work with the body to specifically reduce acne.

If the body is in poor health regardless of it is due to diet or illness, acne is more likely to appear. It is important to incorporate a healthy diet especially is you suffer from acne. It is important that you discuss with a doctor or dermatologist anything that you are taking or planning on taking.

There are some medications that have interactions with others, and a professional can tell you which products not to take. It is up to each person who is afflicted with acne to do everything that they can to attain clean fresh acne free skin, if they should want it.

There are many methods by which clear skin can be achieved. If you are not sure where to start, try researching the subject of acne.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Acne Information

Acne affects millions of people around the world. It is an indiscriminate skin disorder, choosing its victims at random. At one time, acne was considered a teenagers skin disorder. This has been proven to be false. Adults as old as eighty have acne.

You could have anything from mild acne to intense acne. Here are the grades used by skin care technicians. Dermatologists and medical skin care experts use only three categories, but we want you to be familiar with all of them:

Grade one: Inactive acne.
You have no inflammation and your skin feels normal-no points of hurt or pain. You are taking care of your skin, cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and exfoliating with salicylic acid regularly. No one can tell by looking that you have acne type skin.

Grade Two: Whiteheads and blackheads.
Whiteheads are closed comedones; blackheads are open comedones. You may have some small early stage red bumps under the surface of your skin.

Grade Three: mild eruptions.
Your skin is not severely inflamed. Under the surface are closed comedomes with fewer blackheads.

Grade Four: Pustules or raised bumps.
You have many closed comedones with inflamed pores. They are starting to be both red and white with pus underneath the surface of the skin.

Grade Five: Hard Nodules.
You have cysts under the surface of your skin. They're tender to the touch. They may even hurt. You have both closed and open comedomes.

Grade Six: Totally inactive acne.
Everything seems to be happening to your skin at the same time-whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, cysts. It's painful and hurts to touch your face, which is highly inflamed. Go straight to the doctor.

The one region of the body that acne attacks is the face and neck. For adults, it can be embarrassing, but for teenagers, who are so self-conscience to begin with, acne can be devastating. This can lead to poor development of social skills depression and anxiety

Acne is caused by overactive oil glands under the skin. The pores of the skin open up, allowing more dirt and debris to enter the pores and clog them. This results in white heads and black heads. There are effective treatments for acne are available. Both over the counter and by prescriptions. There are both invasive and non-invasive methods of acne treatment.

For people who have never had acne, it is easy for them to say; "It is only a pimple" it is so much more than that. It is a devastating disorder that can ruin a persons life.

There are treatments that target acne according upon the severity. There are many different treatments, whether it is topical creams or laser surgery, or something in between there is no reason for anyone to suffer from acne in today's society.

In order to treat the skin disorder correctly, it is necessary to get a diagnosis of acne. There are several other skin disorders that resemble acne that have different treatments.

A hair follicle infection called Folliculitis is often mistaken for acne. It is a bacterial infection caused by a fungus. It is treated with anti fungal medication. A common facial rash that consists of small inflamed bumps called Perioral Dermatitis is another skin condition that is mistaken for acne.

Keratosis Pilaris is another skin condition that is commonly mistaken for acne. It is a disorder where bumps occur in the pores accompanied by redness. Again, this is treated by medication that is not intended for acne.

Rosacea is perhaps mistaken for acne more than any other skin disorder. It is a rash like condition that covers the face. It is not easy to cure and takes up to ten years to treat. Unlike acne, Rosacea does not scar in any way.