Ideas & Interested Articles

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Acne Information

Acne affects millions of people around the world. It is an indiscriminate skin disorder, choosing its victims at random. At one time, acne was considered a teenagers skin disorder. This has been proven to be false. Adults as old as eighty have acne.

You could have anything from mild acne to intense acne. Here are the grades used by skin care technicians. Dermatologists and medical skin care experts use only three categories, but we want you to be familiar with all of them:

Grade one: Inactive acne.
You have no inflammation and your skin feels normal-no points of hurt or pain. You are taking care of your skin, cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and exfoliating with salicylic acid regularly. No one can tell by looking that you have acne type skin.

Grade Two: Whiteheads and blackheads.
Whiteheads are closed comedones; blackheads are open comedones. You may have some small early stage red bumps under the surface of your skin.

Grade Three: mild eruptions.
Your skin is not severely inflamed. Under the surface are closed comedomes with fewer blackheads.

Grade Four: Pustules or raised bumps.
You have many closed comedones with inflamed pores. They are starting to be both red and white with pus underneath the surface of the skin.

Grade Five: Hard Nodules.
You have cysts under the surface of your skin. They're tender to the touch. They may even hurt. You have both closed and open comedomes.

Grade Six: Totally inactive acne.
Everything seems to be happening to your skin at the same time-whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, cysts. It's painful and hurts to touch your face, which is highly inflamed. Go straight to the doctor.

The one region of the body that acne attacks is the face and neck. For adults, it can be embarrassing, but for teenagers, who are so self-conscience to begin with, acne can be devastating. This can lead to poor development of social skills depression and anxiety

Acne is caused by overactive oil glands under the skin. The pores of the skin open up, allowing more dirt and debris to enter the pores and clog them. This results in white heads and black heads. There are effective treatments for acne are available. Both over the counter and by prescriptions. There are both invasive and non-invasive methods of acne treatment.

For people who have never had acne, it is easy for them to say; "It is only a pimple" it is so much more than that. It is a devastating disorder that can ruin a persons life.

There are treatments that target acne according upon the severity. There are many different treatments, whether it is topical creams or laser surgery, or something in between there is no reason for anyone to suffer from acne in today's society.

In order to treat the skin disorder correctly, it is necessary to get a diagnosis of acne. There are several other skin disorders that resemble acne that have different treatments.

A hair follicle infection called Folliculitis is often mistaken for acne. It is a bacterial infection caused by a fungus. It is treated with anti fungal medication. A common facial rash that consists of small inflamed bumps called Perioral Dermatitis is another skin condition that is mistaken for acne.

Keratosis Pilaris is another skin condition that is commonly mistaken for acne. It is a disorder where bumps occur in the pores accompanied by redness. Again, this is treated by medication that is not intended for acne.

Rosacea is perhaps mistaken for acne more than any other skin disorder. It is a rash like condition that covers the face. It is not easy to cure and takes up to ten years to treat. Unlike acne, Rosacea does not scar in any way.

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